Spanish Caravan
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:36 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Waiting for the Sun
Song Author
The Doors
File Size
24 KB
Car-ry me car-a-van, take me a-way. Take me to Por-tu-gal, take me to Spain. An-da-lu-si-a with fields full of grain. I have to see you a-gain and a-gain. Take me, Span-ish Car-a-van. Yes, I know you can. Trade winds find Gal-le-ons lost in the sea. I know that trea-sure is wait-ing for me. Sil-ver and gold in the mountains of Spain. I have to see you a-gain and a-gain. Take me, Spa-nish Car-a-van. Yes, I know you can.